Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Katie Kandles patchwork cushion

I went to a craft fair in Exeter last week, it was every crafters heaven. All sorted of different things to do. There were countless workshops. There was woodwork, sewing, watercolour, paper craft, parchment, felting, cross stich the list is endless. While there I saw this truely beautiful fabric very Cath Kidston style. I got a metre of the green and a metre of the white and made the cushion in the photo above. I had planned to put photos of how I made it with each of the instructions but had a bit of a problem with the camera and accidentally deleted all my photos, oops. Here are the instructions anyway:
you will need:
2 squares of green fabric 25cm by 25cm each
2 squares of a white fabric each measuring 25cm by 25cm
A sewing machine
A backing peice measuring 50cm by 50cm
2 peices of lace trim measuring 50 cm in length each
A button
A fastener (I used poppers)

1) Right sides together, stitch 1 green square to 1 white square along just 1 edge,
2) Stitch the 2nd white square to the 2nd green square (it must be this way round to get the diagnal effect) again right sides together and only 1 edge,
3) Tack or pin the 4 squares together then stitch on the sewing maching along the horizontal edge
(TIP:to get the patchwork perfect make sure the 2 seams in the middle are spot on together)
4) Next add the lace trim to cover both the horizontal and vertical seam.
5) Turn over 1 edge as this will be the opening so it must look neat, then stitch it down,
6) Add a button in the centre of the cushion where the lace criss-cross',
7) Turn 1 edge of the backing peice over again this is the opening so you want it to look neat.
9) Now with right sides together pin or tack the front patchwork peice to the back peice and stitch in place,
10) Add the fastener of your choice I chose poppers but it is up to you which fastener you prefer.

I hope it is easy to understand it would be better with pictures but like I explained I accidentally deleted them, needless to say I'm not great with technology. I am selling kits for this cushion on ebay soon, containing everything you need to make one of these cushions (apart from the sewing machine haha). I will soon put a link up. I would love to hear how you got on making this be sure to send me comments and pictures. Keep crafting everyone. =)
